Letter to the Editor
court ordered assessments in France and Canada: a comparison
Sébastien Prat1,2,
Noëmie Praud1,2, Lauren Barney2
1 McMaster University, Department of Psychiatry and
Behavioural Neurosciences, Hamilton, Canada
2 St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, Forensic Psychiatry
Program, Hamilton, Canada
France is one of the European
countries at the genesis of Forensic Psychiatry, whereas Canada is viewed as
the country where modern, scientific-based, Forensic Psychiatry was developed.
The French legal system is civil law based whereas the Canadian legal system,
including the federal Criminal Code, is common law based[i]
[1]. Therefore, there are fundamental differences between France and Canada in
terms of the legal process which also impacts the way Forensic Psychiatry
assessments are conducted. Other major differences reside in the inquisitorial
aspect of the French system as opposed to the accusatorial nature of
proceedings in Canada. The Prosecutor in Canada is a lawyer who sits beside the
Defense Lawyer against whom he/she argues the case. In France, the Prosecutor
is at the level of Judge, which could be perceived as an imbalance in the legal
system. In both countries, the role of the Forensic Psychiatrist is to
highlight the relevant issues pertaining to the legal case of an individual;
and the Judge remains free to follow the opinion of the experts, after
carefully weighing the evidence. Despite the similarity of the role the forensic
psychiatrist plays in both countries, we would like to highlight the major
differences in the Legal Background, the Legal Proceedings and the Forensic
Psychiatry Processes. Indeed, comparing both systems is a way to help each
professional to reflect on their own practice in their jurisdiction. This may
also provide some understanding of the context of medico-legal studies when
performed in Canada or France. The figure below provides an overview of the
legal pathways involving criminal court order assessment in Canada and France.
Legal Background
In the
introduction, we specified some obvious differences of the legal framework
between the two countries. It appears relevant to focus on some specific
aspects pertaining to forensic psychiatry, from an assessment perspective. The
role of the Judge, the legal concept of criminal responsibility, and its
possible legal outcomes are outlined below.
In Canada, the
Judge is a person who makes a final decision in a case and who chooses the
appropriate sentence. In France, there are multiple possible roles for a Judge,
and often the Judge does not cumulate these roles (ex. Judge who sentences,
Judge who controls the custodial situation of patients and inmates, Judge who
ensures an impartial process during the criminal investigation, Judge who
ensures that the convicted may have some adaptation in sentencing) [2].
The Canadian legal
definition of criminal responsibility is detailed in the Criminal Code, by
implementing the concept of legal or moral wrongfulness of the action (section
16) [3]. An individual who may have been suffering from a mental disorder
at the time of the offence can be found responsible as the mental state may not
have been sufficient to explain that he could not control his action. The French
definition of criminal responsibility is broader and somewhat left to the
discretionary decision of the expert (article 122-1 of the French Penal Code;
capacity of consenting, discerning and controlling his/her actions were
abolished or altered) [4]. This does not necessarily help to form a
cohesive opinion.
There are only two
options in terms of criminal responsibility in Canada, either the individual is
criminally responsible or not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder
(NCR) [3]. The French model developed three options in terms of criminal
responsibility: an individual can be found responsible, not criminally
responsible, or partially responsible [4]. This third option is often used when
someone presents with severe psychiatric symptoms of a personality disorder
with impulse control issues. It is commonly reported that in this third
situation, although an individual is supposed to receive a lower sentence
(because of partial responsibility as opposed to full), he/she is often given a
more severe sentence with the notion that the personality disorder may be
difficult to treat and the risk of re-offending remains high [5].
Legal Proceeding
Some relevant
points of the legal proceeding in comparing both countries can be highlighted
in describing how the Court exercises the law, orders assessments, and makes
its final decision. The nature of the questions asked to the expert, the
timeline when an assessment can be ordered, and the legal consequences for
individuals found not criminally responsible or unfit to stand trial are
salient points that should be addressed.
In Canada, a court
ordered assessment has one specific question, which can be one of the
following: criminal responsibility, fitness to stand trial, risk, or dangerous
offender status. The assessment is requested at the pre-trial or trial phase
(once a Judge is notified about the case). Only pre-sentencing assessments are
ordered. Once the sentence is given, no other assessment can be ordered unless
there are new charges. Once the accused is found NCR or Unfit to Stand Trial,
the Judge orders the transfer into the forensic system, where the Review Board
will take over the role of custodial control [3].
In France, one
court ordered assessment may have many questions, including criminal
responsibility, fitness to stand trial, risk, opportunity of treatment, etc.
They can also be created by the Judge. The clinician is requested to answer all
the questions in the report. A court ordered assessment can be requested during
the investigation phase, either by the Prosecutor or the Judge who overviews
the legal proceeding (this Judge’s role is not to adjudicate) while gathering
the evidence. Pre and post-sentencing assessments can be ordered. The
pre-sentencing assessment will guide the Judge in his final decision. The post
sentencing assessment will help orientate the rehabilitation process of the
inmate, or will indicate if a lower level of custody could apply in managing
the risk (article 712-21 of the Penal Procedural Code) [4]. After being found
NCR, the Judge may order the patient’s transfer into a psychiatric unit (if
found to be dangerous) which could be a general psychiatry inpatient unit -
with no Forensic background (article 706-136 of the Penal Procedural Code [6].
Decisions regarding custodial control will be made by another Judge of the
civil system who also controls any involuntary admissions (Judge of the
Liberties and Detention) [7].
Forensic Psychiatry Process
The legal
background and legal proceedings are the basis of the forensic practice. This
has permitted to develop the way the forensic disciplines have been exercised;
and how, to some extent, political decisions have helped allocate funds for
this medico-legal field. There are differences in terms of location, staff
involvement, method used and time spent on a forensic psychiatric assessment,
in each country.
In Canada, the
assessment can be conducted in a forensic psychiatry program, where all staff
members have developed a specific expertise in forensic mental health. Particularly,
the assessments can be conducted in a dedicated inpatient unit, where the
accused remains in custody. Information is gathered by several team members
such as psychologist, social worker, nurse, occupational therapist, etc. In
addition, the structured risk assessment tools are widely used during the
assessment. The assessment is often the result of multiple consults compiled to
corroborate the information given by the accused.
In France, the lack of a dedicated program for Forensic
Psychiatry does not permit an extensive collaboration and often results in
assessments conducted by one individual with no discussion about the case. The
assessments are done according to a consult-based model. All the information
has to be gathered by the psychiatrist. Although some psychiatrists use risk
assessment tools, they are typically not widely used. Psychiatrists rely mostly
on their professional judgment, which can be dangerous as it has been published
that not using structured professional judgment tools in predicting risk
equates to giving a random opinion [8]. The report often follows a one-time
interview with the accused.
characteristics relate to the criminal court processes and the steps that an
accused will undergo. We have not detailed what happens to individuals who
enter the forensic system in Canada or the civil psychiatric system in France.
Assessments will take place at this stage but will not be ordered by the
criminal court in either country. There are many differences in terms of the
theoretical and practical aspects of Forensic Psychiatry. If one aspect can be
summarized, we can say that in France, the process seems more beneficial to the
rehabilitation of the individual, as it permits an assessment at any time to
evaluate the risk and the benefit of a release from custody; in Canada, the
practice of Forensic Psychiatry is based on a scientific model which
strengthens the level of evidence provided to the court.
Conflict of interest: none
1. Dainow J. The civil law and the common law: some points of
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2. Girard P. L’évolution du rôle des juges. Les
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3. Canadian Criminal Code, L.R.C. (1985) ch. C-46 (last amended on
December 12, 2017). (accessed on May 15, 2018)
4. Loi n° 2014-896 du 15 août 2014 relative à
l'individualisation des peines et renforçant l'efficacité des sanctions
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5. Salas D. La responsabilisation des fous
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Psychiatr 2012; 88(6):423-29.
6. Loi n° 2008-174 du 25 février 2008 relative
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cause de trouble mental. JORF n°0048 du 26 février 2008. (accessed on May 15, 2018)
7. Michaud C., Prat SS. The New Actor of Involuntary
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Prat, Forensic Psychiatry Program, St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, Hamilton
ON L9C 0E3, Canada – email: prats@mcmaster.ca
[i] Quebec is the only province in Canada which is civil
law based, having been colonized by the French. The Criminal Code of Canada
(R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46), which contains provisions relating to Forensic Mental
Health under Part XX.1, is federal legislation and it is rooted in the common