Stories of scholarship of teaching and learning at McMaster University
In this chapter, we gathered and synthesized deeply personal stories from established scholars at McMaster University and beyond on conducting scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). In the spirit of learning from one another’s individual experiences and motivations, we utilized collaborative autoethnography to connect the individual to the collective and knit together testimonials representing all six faculties. Specifically, we highlight how the concept of “gathering” can be accessed in several different ways to illustrate (a) how conversations drive curiosity and innovation, (b) how individuals from diverse backgrounds and expertise come together to collaborate and create new and emergent knowledge, and (c) how instructors can support one another to experiment, play, and take risks in a safe environment. We shine a light on how McMaster’s newly released teaching and learning strategy, “Partnered in Teaching and Learning: McMaster’s Teaching and Learning Strategy 2021–2026,” recognizes and promotes several principles and practices that SoTL practitioners at McMaster have been quietly undertaking for some time. Finally, these stories highlight recommendations and paths forward that will get us closer to our goal of achieving teaching excellence.