Mädchenhandel between Antisemitism and Social Reform: Bertha Pappenheim and the Jüdischer Frauenbund


  • Sarah E. Wobick




The Jüdischer Frauenbund was composed of
patriotic Germans committed to their Jewish faith who believed
that a synthesis of Deutschtum and Judentum was possible (Kaplan,
Frauenbund 19, 22). Broadly, the Bund’s principle aim was to offer
resistance to antisemitism and its goals centered on representing
Jewish women and ameliorating their socio-economic position
(Knappe 153-154, Kaplan, Frauenbund 44, 83, 86). More
specifically, Marion Kaplan has listed the Bund’s tasks in 1904 as
follows: fighting white slavery, raising the standards of morality,
strengthening Jewish communal consciousness, lightening the
burden of Jewish working-class women, and improving
education (Frauenbund 86). Yet, it was the first issue
listed—fighting white slavery—that had been the actual
motivating factor for the creation of the Bund (Kaplan, Morality
621). Pappenheim had first heard of white slavery in 1902 at a
conference sponsored by the Jewish Committee. There, she
learned that emigrant women were lured, sold or even, though
rarely, kidnapped and forced into prostitution (Kaplan, Morality
620). From that moment on, she admitted in a letter, the issue
had come to consume her thoughts (Kaplan, Morality 620-621).


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