Turning belief into action: An exploratory case study applying the building belief model to an anonymous college in Ontario


  • Christine Szustaczek Sheridan College



Mots-clés :

corporate communications, culture, reputation management, shared identity, storytelling


This case study tests a new model for corporate communications called Building Belief, which urges a firm to constantly live up to its stated character and values in order to motivate stakeholders to identify, support and promote them. Building on published theories and best practices related to culture, reputation, trust, relationship management, self-determination, employee engagement, leadership, storytelling and social media, an instrument was developed to test the model at an anonymous Ontario college. Its stakeholders were found to lack a strong sense of shared values and shared identity with the organization, but they were found to have the potential to act as ambassadors. The study recommends several measures to strengthen people’s relationships with the institution, deepen levels of engagement and motivate them to advocacy. These include the co-creation of a culture code, involving employees in decision making and using stories that centre on student success to empower early influencers. 

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