Anti-libidinal medication among sex offenders

A descriptive study from a specialized outpatient unit in Bordeaux (France)


  • Florent Cochez CH Charles Perrens,Unité ERIOS (CRIAVS Aquitaine, DISPO-33, InterCD) Pôle 347, Bordeaux, France
  • Nicolas Thoumy CH Charles Perrens,Unité ERIOS (CRIAVS Aquitaine, DISPO-33, InterCD) Pôle 347, Bordeaux, France
  • Jean-Philippe Cano CH Charles Perrens,Unité ERIOS (CRIAVS Aquitaine, DISPO-33, InterCD) Pôle 347, Bordeaux, France


Mots-clés :

Anti-libidinal treatment, Antiandrogen treatment, Sexual offenders, Cyproterone acetate, Criptorelin embonate, GnRH analogues, Recidivism


Enhancements in the treatment of sexual offenders has been taking place for over four decades. The development of pharmacological therapy has helped to reduce the risk of re-offense and has demonstrated its utility in combination with psychotherapy. However further studies to demonstrate the efficacy of these therapies are required. We conducted a retrospective study in a unit that provides care for sexual offenders (court ordered treatment or voluntary treatment). Among the 224 patients at ERIOS over the past 15 years, we identified 23 patients who had received anti-libidinal treatment (ALM) at some point in their care. The results, obtained from only 22 informative files, indicate that 16 patients presented no notion of deviant fantasy or behavioral relapse under medication. This study also highlights the comorbidities and offers a perspective regarding the improvement in prescribing this type of pharmacological therapy.


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Comment citer

Cochez, F., Thoumy, N., & Cano, J.-P. (2018). Anti-libidinal medication among sex offenders : A descriptive study from a specialized outpatient unit in Bordeaux (France). International Journal of Risk and Recovery, 1(3), 15–21.



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