The reform of Italian forensic psychiatric hospitals and its impact on risk assessment and management


  • Vittorio De Luca REMS Castore, ASL Roma 5 - Mental Health Department, Subiaco (RM)
  • Pieritalo Maria Pompili REMS Merope, ASL Roma 5 - Mental Health Department, Palombara Sabina (RM)
  • Giovanna Paoletti REMS Castore, ASL Roma 5 - Mental Health Department, Subiaco (RM)
  • Valeria Bianchini REMS Castore, ASL Roma 5 - Mental Health Department, Subiaco (RM)
  • Federica Franchi REMS Merope, ASL Roma 5 - Mental Health Department, Palombara Sabina (RM)
  • Marco Lombardi REMS Castore, ASL Roma 5 - Mental Health Department, Subiaco (RM)
  • Brunella Lagrotteria REMS Castore, ASL Roma 5 - Mental Health Department, Subiaco (RM)
  • Cristina Iannini REMS Castore, ASL Roma 5 - Mental Health Department, Subiaco (RM)
  • Camillo Fedele REMS Castore, ASL Roma 5 - Mental Health Department, Subiaco (RM)
  • Enrico Pompili Colleferro & Palestrina Community Center, Mental Health Department, ROMA 5
  • Giuseppe Nicolò Mental Health Department, Director, ASL ROMA 5


Mots-clés :

Forensic psychiatric hospitals, Deinstitutionalization, detention security measures, Italian psychiatric reform, Hamilton Anatomy of Risk Management, HARM, Residences for the Execution of Security Measures, REMS


Italy has a consolidated history of de-institutionalization, and it was the first country to completely dismantle psychiatric hospitals, in order to create small psychiatric inwards closer to the community (i.e. in general hospitals). Nevertheless, it took the nation nearly 40 years to end the process from the beginning of de-institutionalization, definitely closing all of the forensic hospitals, which was not addressed by the first Italian psychiatric reform. This paper describes the establishment of new facilities substituting old forensic hospitals, called Residences for the Execution of Security Measures (REMS), which are a paradigm shift in terms of community-based residential home, and are mainly focused on treatment and risk assessment, rather than custodial practices. The use of modern assessment tools, such as the Aggressive Incident Scale (AIS) and the Hamilton Anatomy of Risk Management (HARM), is crucial in order to point out the focus and consistent instruments of the treatment plan. A preliminary analysis of data from the first 2 years of activity, considering severely ill patients who have been treated for more than 12 months, is then described for two REMSs in the Lazio region, close to Rome. Encouraging results suggest that further research is needed in order to assess clinical elements responsible for a better outcome, and to detect follow-up measures of violence or criminal relapse after discharge.


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Comment citer

De Luca, V., Pompili, P. M., Paoletti, G., Bianchini, V., Franchi, F., Lombardi, M., Lagrotteria, B., Iannini, C., Fedele, C., Pompili, E., & Nicolò, G. (2018). The reform of Italian forensic psychiatric hospitals and its impact on risk assessment and management. International Journal of Risk and Recovery, 1(3), 22–29.



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