Examining the use of the recovery model with individuals found not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder

Revealing tensions between risk management strategies and recovery


  • Michael Gulayets MacEwan University
  • Ashlyn Sawyer



Mots-clés :

NCRMD, not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder, recovery model, risk management, outpatient setting, qualitative, forensic mental health


In providing the care and control of individuals found Not Criminally Responsible on Account of Mental Disorder (NCRMD), forensic psychiatry attempts to balance the protection of society with the treatment of mental illness. A new approach in mental health care is the recovery model, which centers on the understanding that there should be a ‘recovery in’, not a ‘recovery from’ serious mental illness. In clinical practice, this means that treatment decisions should be made in collaboration with patients and include their personal circumstances, such as criminality and aspirations. Concepts that intersect with these goals are elements like choice, hope, personal responsibility, and empowerment. This paper examines the implementation of the recovery model in forensic mental health settings and provides an in-depth exploration and evaluation of the model as it is practiced at a forensic psychiatric outpatient clinic with individuals found NCRMD. Ten participants, including both individuals found NCRMD and psychiatric professionals, took part in semi-structured interviews. The paper examines the experiences, perceptions and challenges of implementing the recovery model in a forensic psychiatric setting and compares its strategies to the predominant risk-based forensic practices. The analysis suggests that it is difficult to implement the recovery model in a forensic setting without compromising either the recovery model or the risk management approach.

Keywords: NCRMD, recovery model, risk management, outpatient setting, qualitative, forensic mental health


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Comment citer

Gulayets, M., & Sawyer, A. (2020). Examining the use of the recovery model with individuals found not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder: Revealing tensions between risk management strategies and recovery. International Journal of Risk and Recovery, 3(1), 3–22. https://doi.org/10.15173/ijrr.v3i1.4079



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