Psychiatric admissions

The first law in Saudi Arabia


  • Abdullah H Alqahtani Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia


Mots-clés :

Mental health, Law, Saudi Arabia, Legislation


The mental health care law in Saudi Arabia was passed in 2014. This article will focus on the articles related to psychiatric admissions both voluntary and involuntary. The mental health care law is similar to the laws in western countries. However, it will be discussed in the paper how these articles and subsections are curtailed to the limited health systems and to the local culture. As the mental health care system and culture evolves, the mental health care law will definitely be modified in the future.


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Comment citer

Alqahtani, A. H. (2020). Psychiatric admissions : The first law in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Risk and Recovery, 3(1), 23–28.



Original Article