Benefits and limitations of implementing videoconferencing for forensic psychiatry assessment in France


  • Sebastien S Prat McMaster University, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences & St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton, Forensic Psychiatry Program
  • Robert Courtois Université François Rabelais de Tours, Département de Psychologie, EA 2114 ‘Psychologie des âges de la vie et adaptation’ & CHRU de Tours, Clinique Psychiatrique Universitaire - CRIAVS ‘Centre-Val de Loire’



Telemedicine has been successfully used for many years in North America for the purpose of conducting forensic assessments. France, however, has not yet implemented this potentially useful tool. French forensic psychiatry could get inspired by this success in order to improve the practice of court ordered psychiatric assessments. In this article, we address the benefits and limitations of videoconferencing in the field of forensic psychiatry. Using these new means of telecommunications could help solve some of the issues encountered in France. (article in French)


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Comment citer

Prat, S. S., & Courtois, R. (2018). Benefits and limitations of implementing videoconferencing for forensic psychiatry assessment in France. International Journal of Risk and Recovery, 1(1), 27–31.

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