Culture of engagement

Students as change agents before, during and after an examination-focused partnership


  • Lina Fransén
  • Victor Hellgren
  • Magnus Mortensen
  • Susanna Olsson
  • Nathalie Proos Vedin
  • Maja Elmgren
  • Marcus Lundberg Uppsala University
  • Antonia Kotronia



Students as partners, student influence, , co-creation, open inquiry, conceptual understanding


Students can influence their education through evaluations and as representatives in university decision-making bodies. A way to give them more power is through participation in course development as equal partners. In this study, the relationship between the outcome of a student-teacher partnership and a culture of student influence and engagement is explored. This is done through specifically targeting examination, an area where formal power rests far away from the actual partnership. The partnership outcome was evaluated through post-project surveys and group interviews, together with post-course evaluations. The students in the project, most of them with significant experience as student representatives, emphasized their ability to make meaningful change. At the same time, the students taking the revised course appreciated the implemented changes. A culture of engagement positively affected the outcome of the partnership, while the partnership itself strengthened students in their roles as change agents.


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Author Biographies

Lina Fransén

Lina Fransén is a PhD student at Nantes Université. Her studies are in modelling of light-induced chemical reactions.

Victor Hellgren

Victor Hellgren is currently a PhD student in organic chemistry at Umeå University working on development of new antibiotics.

Magnus Mortensen

Magnus Mortensen is currently an Analytical Chemist at Swedish Food Agency, working with element analysis. 

Susanna Olsson

Susanna Olsson is currently a sustainability consultant at Goodpoint working with chemical safety and substitution.

Nathalie Proos Vedin

Nathalie Proos Vedin is currently a PhD student at the Department of Chemistry - Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University studying excited state (anti)aromaticity in heterocycles.

Maja Elmgren

Maja Elmgren is an Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry - Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University working with academic development and performing chemistry and physics education research.

Marcus Lundberg, Uppsala University

Marcus Lundberg is an Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry - Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University involved in academic development and performing catalysis research.

Antonia Kotronia

Antonia Kotronia is currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate within the School of Chemistry, University of Southampton studying gas evolution in Li-ion batteries.


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How to Cite

Fransén, L., Hellgren, V. ., Mortensen, M. ., Olsson, S. ., Proos Vedin, N. ., Elmgren, M., Lundberg, M., & Kotronia, A. (2024). Culture of engagement: Students as change agents before, during and after an examination-focused partnership. International Journal for Students as Partners, 8(1), 144–161.



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