Inspiration strikes

Partnering with experienced student consultants to prepare to partner with new student consultants


  • Donna Chaiet Prepare Inc
  • Karen Chasen Prepare Inc



student partnership, mattering, curriculum design, feedback process, building relationship


This article examines the process of partnering with experienced undergraduate SaLT consultants to ready educators to work in partnership with high school student consultants.  We discuss the benefits of preparation: giving time to building relationships, being ready to receive feedback, learning to trust the process of student partnership, and honoring authenticity and vulnerability.


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Author Biographies

Donna Chaiet, Prepare Inc

Donna Chaiet, President of Prepare Inc., is an award-winning author in the field of violence prevention for young people and has co-created an evidence-based anti-bullying/anti-bias program. She holds certifications in crime victims counseling, support groups for adoptive families, substance abuse and prevention, mental health, and sexuality education. 

Karen Chasen, Prepare Inc

Karen Chasen, Vice President of Prepare Inc., serves on the boards of IMPACT Violence Prevention and Emerging Strategies for Learning and Leadership. Chasen collaborates on research with other experts in the field of violence prevention including trauma recovery interventions for sexual assault survivors and marginalized communities.


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Rosenberg, M., & McCullough, B. C. (1981). Mattering: Inferred significance and mental health among adolescents. Research in Community & Mental Health, 2, 163–182.

Shulman, L. (2004). Teaching as community property: Essays on higher education. Jossey-Bass.




How to Cite

Chaiet, D., & Chasen, K. (2024). Inspiration strikes: Partnering with experienced student consultants to prepare to partner with new student consultants. International Journal for Students as Partners, 8(1), 271–276.



Reflective Essays