
We are pleased to inform you that the International Journal of Students as Partners is moving from the traditional review process (double-blind and non-dialogic) to a non-anonymized dialogic review process for the reflective essay genre. This change aims to enhance and transform the peer review process, making it more supportive and developmental. With this, we hope to build a scholarly community of practitioners who believe in the transformative potential of student-faculty partnerships. We will continue to use the traditional double-blind review process for the other genres (research articles, case studies, opinion pieces) that we publish.

Here are more details about this process.

We are keen to expand our panel of staff (faculty) and student reviewers. If you would like to review reflective essay submissions using the non-anonymized dialogic review process please complete our  Reviewer Expression of Interest Form If you are a new reviewer mark it ‘reviewer for reflective essays’, or if you are already a member of our international Review Panel, please send an email to the IJSaP Editorial Manager.