Co-designing an equity, diversity, and inclusion (un)conference by and for staff and students



Mots-clés :

students as partners, studetn-staff conferences, critical-digital partnership, values-based partnership, equity, diversity, inclusion, clutural and linguistic diversity


We describe the critical-digital approach and co-design of a bespoke unconference on inclusion, diversity, and equity for staff and students. We offer a critical digital pedagogy framework that engages and promotes student-led equity, diversity, and inclusion in what we refer to as the fourth wave of students as partners (SaP) conferences. The SaP unconference was unique in several ways. The unconference was aimed at both staff and students and was designed and delivered in a cross-disciplinary students-as-partners project. This forum was transformative as it was supported by a critical digital partnership and pedagogical framework. Further, the unconference positioned the audience as participants on equal footing with panellists in critical dialogue and conversation. As such, the unconference offered a counter-narrative to traditional conference culture. Reinventing the academic conference space for SaP is critical to ensure conferences are authentic, contextualised instantiations of partnership.


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Comment citer

Dianati, S., & Hickman, A. (2023). Co-designing an equity, diversity, and inclusion (un)conference by and for staff and students. International Journal for Students as Partners, 7(2), 48–64.



Research Articles