Decent Work Diagnostics for a Western Balkan Country Stuck in the Neo-liberal Doctrine: The Case of the Republic of Macedonia


  • Dragan Tevdovski University of Sts Cyril and Methodius, Republic of Macedonia



The paper proposes a strategy: ‘decent work diagnostics’ for finding out the policy priorities for a country with poor decent work conditions. It is aimed at identifying the most binding constraints on decent work, and setting policies that will target these constraints. The strategy provides a focus on the policies necessary for a country to progressively achieve decent work while at the same time stopping policy makers from using a ‘laundry list’ approach, which typifies neo-liberal policies. This methodology is applied to a country from the Western Balkans – the Republic of Macedonia - and it is shown that the country’s economic governance strongly resists the implementation of the decent work agenda. The key policy priorities should be oriented towards addressing income inequality and political patronage.

Author Biography

Dragan Tevdovski, University of Sts Cyril and Methodius, Republic of Macedonia

Dragan Tevdovski is Assistant Professor at Faculty of Economics, University of Sts Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. His primary research interests include labor markets, macroeconomic policy and econometrics. He is coauthor of several books about national or regional economies such as: “Labor Market Characteristics in Selected Economies” and “The Macedonian Question: 20 Years Political Struggle into European Integration Structures.” In 2012, he won Annual Global Development Network Research Competition for examination of fiscal and monetary policy interactions in South Eastern European countries with fixed exchange rate regime. In addition, he writes columns for Macedonian economy.  


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