About the Journal

The Global Labour Journal (GLJ) is the flagship journal of RC44 Labour Movements, research group of the International Sociological Association and of the Global Labour University (GLU). 

Journal Impact FactorTM

1.3 [2023] and 2.2 [Five Year].

GLJ's category rank of 28/51 in JCR category INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS & LABOUR (ESCI edition). The Category Quartile, Q3.

Source: Journal Citation Reports 2023.

Journal Citation IndicatorTM

0.47 [2023] and 0.6 [2022]. Category rank of 35/51 [INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS & LABOUR]. Category Quartile, Q3.


ISSN:  1918-6711

Current Issue

Vol. 16 No. 1 (2025): The Gig Economy and Women Workers in the Middle East (special issue)

Guest edited by Stella Morgana.

What is the impact of the so-called gig economy on women workers in the Middle East? Does digitalisation represent a catalyst for female labour participation in the region or a burden leading to further financial insecurity and invisibility? How are ordinary women gig workers re-imagining their tech lives and challenging unwritten rules, patriarchy and lack of access to the labour market? Featuring articles analysing case studies in Egypt, Iraq, Oman and the United Arab Emirates, this special issue addresses the abovementioned questions, directly speaking to the academic debate on the global gig economies. Proving a regional and local perspective, it contributes to a more plural understanding of gig work in a multiplicity of contexts, practices and experiences. It investigates the relationship between the daily and the digital to explore the role of platforms in shaping female labour participation and women’s empowerment, as well as issues of precarisation and marginalisation. By proposing a collection of original and pioneering research on an understudied topic as applied to specific contexts in the Middle East, the special issue broadens the analysis of the so-called gig economy beyond a mere economic lens, bringing together multi-disciplinary insights and approaches from sociology, political economy and digital anthropology. It shows that online gig work is neither a crystallised nor monolithic dimension. Instead, platforms - in some instances - have become vectors of formalisation instead of leading only to informality, such as in the case of taxi driving app and home cooking/food delivery, where apps have enhanced more regulation as formality was not the norm before. Women gig workers are re-imagining their roles in their everyday practices of working from home, blurring the lines between the public and the private spheres. They adapt to neoliberal conditions of flexibilisation to sustain their needs in contexts where processes of labour informalisation have long permeated the development of labour relations.

Published: 2025-01-31
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The Global Labour Journal is an open-access, fully peer-reviewed online journal launched in January 2010. It is the official journal of the International Sociological Association’s Research Committee on Labour Movements (RC44) and is supported by the Center for Global Workers' Rights (CGWR) at Penn State University in State College, USA, and the Department of Business Economics, Health and Social Care (DEASS) at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) in Manno, Switzerland. It is co-hosted by the Global labour University (GLU) and the Society, Work and Politics Institute (SWOP) at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The Journal serves as a forum to capture the plentiful and diverse scholarly work emerging on labour activities worldwide. It seeks to explore the role of globalisation in breaking down boundaries between the global/local and the public/private as they relate to labour activities.

Our aim is to provide a global forum for scholarly work on a comparative sociology of labour movements. Thus our intention is to understand, record and promote the transition of the labour movement into a new form of global unionism, and to highlight how labour activities are increasingly shaped by global forces.

Manuscripts may be submitted via this website. Should you have any questions about the suitability of your manuscript for consideration in the Global Labour Journal, or any difficulty in submitting online, please do not hesitate to contact the GLJ Managing Editor.


CURRENT ISSUE: Vol. 16, No. 1 (2025)




Maurizio Atzeni
Universidad Alberto Hurtado and CEIL-CONICET
Chile and Argentina

Elena Baglioni                Queen Mary University of London                            United Kingdom

Teri Caraway            University of Minnesota United States

Nicolas Pons-Vignon      University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) Switzerland

Managing Editor

Claire Ceruti
University of the Witwatersrand
South Africa


Social Media Coordinator

Christopher Raymond Cornell University          United States

Reviews Editor

Omar Manky Bonilla
Universidad del Pacífico


Consulting Editor

Robert O'Brien
McMaster University