Kally Forrest (2024) Lydia: An Anthem to the Unity of Women. Johannesburg: Jacana Media. ISBN 9781431434800. 230 pp. ZAR300.00 (paperback); US$ 19.55 (kindle)


  • Diane Cooper University of the Western Cape


In Lydia: Anthem to the Unity of Women, Kally Forrest documents the extraordinary life of the late Lydia Komape (Kompe), affectionately known as ‘Mam’ Lydia’. The biography chronicles her journey from her rural childhood, to her life as a trade unionist and a rural land restitution activist, to a member of South Africa’s first democratic parliament. Forrest draws on interviews with Mam’ Lydia, her family and fellow comrades, to provide an insightful window into a life deeply entwined with South African struggles for equality and justice. Mam’ Lydia’s story unfolds against the backdrop of the pervasive and oppressive apartheid system, which legally enforced racial discrimination and political, social and economic exclusion.


