The Latest Italian Labour Market Rreforms in the Perspective of Decent Work Basic-Relations-Fairness Proposal


  • Martina Lavagnini University of Roma Tre
  • Antonella Mennella University of Roma Tre



This work is a contribution to the debate on ‘decent work’, here developed as an instrument to measure an aspect of human development. The concept, conceived by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in 1999, is here interpreted in relation to Sen’s (1999) capability approach. The main idea is that decent work ‘can be a liberator’ (Sen, 1999: 116). Elements identified in the basic-relations-fairness proposal are grouped into three profiles, which are ordered into two levels. Obstacles to decent work or ‘working defects’ are understood as the distance from the actual to the desired labour condition, and improvements of the quality of labour are interpreted as approaching the desired situation. The proposal is firstly presented theoretically, then used to interpret labour market reforms in Italy from the ‘Treu law’ in 1997 to ‘Fornero reform’ in 2012.


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