Five Propositions for Genuine Students as Partners Practice


  • Kelly E Matthews Kelly Matthews, Senior Lecturer in Higher Education Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation, The University of Queensland Australian Learning & Teaching Fellow



students as partners, higher education, power, equity, ethics


This editorial proposes five interrelated principles for good practice in partnership. Because it is a key force in partnership, power connects the five propositions. My intention is to draw together various threads of research and practice into overarching principles that can guide meaningful, power-sharing, and influential partnership approaches across a diverse range of institutional contexts and Students as Partners approaches. 


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Author Biography

Kelly E Matthews, Kelly Matthews, Senior Lecturer in Higher Education Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation, The University of Queensland Australian Learning & Teaching Fellow

Kelly E. Matthews is a Senior Lecturer of Higher Education at The University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, an Australian Learning & Teaching Fellow, and an inaugural co-editor for the International Journal for Students as Partners.


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How to Cite

Matthews, K. E. (2017). Five Propositions for Genuine Students as Partners Practice. International Journal for Students as Partners, 1(2), 1–9.


