The genesis of staff-student partnerships: Institutional influences




staff-student partnership, institutional context, partnership programme, evaluation


As staff-student partnership activity becomes embedded into the infrastructure of higher education there is an increased institutional focus on systematising the staff-student partnership support processes. Drawing on data from a case study of a partnership conceived under the auspices of an institutional staff-student partnership programme, this article offers insight into how the institutional context shapes partnership aims, objectives, and composition. It finds that in the pre-partnership phase a gatekeeping role is performed by the institutional programme, which ultimately determines which partnerships proceed, and how they are evaluated. The study contributes to the broader critique of staff-student partnership practices, proposing a framework that integrates the various institutional influences and the pre and post-partnership phases.


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How to Cite

Smith, S., & Axson, D. (2023). The genesis of staff-student partnerships: Institutional influences. International Journal for Students as Partners, 7(1), 128–143.



Research Articles