Towards a partnership model for developing core abilities




core abilities, experiential learning, students and tutors, Klob cycle, integrated development


A tutor and a student together propose a model for integrated student and staff engagement that concentrates on developing students’ core abilities. They build upon their respective experiences of self-managed problem-based learning and of the purposeful promotion of core abilities. They explore the potential of collaborative interaction between trainee tutors and their students, who are both freshly engaged in self-managed experiential learning. The authors’ use of the Kolb Cycle as a framework is exemplified in the student-author’s experiential learning. They relate and comment upon the tutor-author’s iterative attempts to overlap experiential learning cycles for trainee tutors and their students, and extend the emerging model by adding purposeful peer interactions and regular evidence-based evaluations. Their completed scheme features a partnership wherein tutors’ growing experiences of structuring and facilitating socio-constructivist learning are integrated with students’ reflective reviews of recent developmental experiences.


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How to Cite

Cowan, J., & Harte, C. (2023). Towards a partnership model for developing core abilities . International Journal for Students as Partners, 7(1), 39–54.



Research Articles