How can students-as-partners work inform assessment?




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How to Cite

Cook-Sather, A., Slates, S., Acai, A., Aquilina, S., Ajani, K., Arm, K., Besson, M., Brennan, J., Brockbank, M., Carter, K., Cassum, S., Clampton, C., Crawford, R., Curtis, N., Dhanoa, J., Diez, P. A., Evans, G., Fleisig, R., Ferguson, A. K., Ghias, K., Gonsalves, C., Hassan, S., Hawes, M., Jabeen, K., Jankowski, N., Khan, S., Kim, J., Klaf, S., Lesnick, A., Mahmud, O., Matiullah, J., Medland, E., Merrony, I., Mohamed, S., Moisse, K., Noel, N., Paliktzoglou, V., Parkin, J., Perkins, J., Pryor, M., Sabzwari, S., Shamsheri, T., Siddiqui, A., Signorini, A., Streule, M., Turi, S., Wilkinson, W., Wilson, M., Wilson-Scott, J., & Winstone, N. (2023). How can students-as-partners work inform assessment? . International Journal for Students as Partners, 7(1), 218–234.



Voices from the Field