Hand over the reins: A case study for student-staff partnership in designing module assessments


  • Amanda Millmore University of Reading




co-creation, partnership, students as partners, module design, assessment


This case study of a student-staff partnership project to design assessments in a new undergraduate Law module, emphasises the importance of building trust and an equitable partnership before handing over the reins and enabling students to fully control an aspect of curriculum design. The case study focuses upon a model for partnership in module design with students as active partners in co-creation, having full control within clear boundaries. Outcomes include a positive impact for the student partners as it helped them to develop employability attributes from their involvement in the project, as well as giving them an understanding of the other side of the student-teacher relationship. The partnership also had a broader positive impact on the student community, by amplifying their voices and breaking down the power dynamic between staff and students to enable students to engage meaningfully with module design, which has led to further positive partnership working.


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How to Cite

Millmore, A. (2021). Hand over the reins: A case study for student-staff partnership in designing module assessments. International Journal for Students as Partners, 5(1), 86–96. https://doi.org/10.15173/ijsap.v5i1.4382



Case Studies