Learning together: A case study of a partnership to co-create assessment criteria




Mots-clés :

students as partners, partnership values, reciprocity, authenticity, power


This case study outlines a staff-student partnership to co-create generic assessment criteria to use in a UK business school. It highlights the potential for staff-student partnerships to create a temporary subfield, in which the established power differentials of academia are dissolved and partnership values can be established. We draw on a series of 10 semi-structured interviews with partnership participants. The values that underpin partnerships are linked to three major phases of the partnership process: establishing the partnership, partnership operation and atmosphere, and the partnership outcomes. The findings indicate that the values of authenticity, reciprocity, and inclusion are critical antecedents to establishing a successful partnership and that careful attention should be paid to establishing the partnership. The case extends our understanding of the partnership process by emphasising these antecedents. The study is multi-authored, which reflects an extension to the partnership process described in the case study.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Susan Smith, University of Sussex

Dr Susan Smith is Associate Dean (Education and Students) at the University of Sussex Business School.


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Comment citer

Smith, S., Akhyani, K., Axson, D., Arnautu, A., & Stanimirova, I. (2021). Learning together: A case study of a partnership to co-create assessment criteria . International Journal for Students as Partners, 5(2), 123–133. https://doi.org/10.15173/ijsap.v5i2.4647



Case Studies