A student-staff partnership conducting research in higher education: An analysis of student and staff reflections




Mots-clés :

higher education, student-staff partnership, mental health


This article reports on an analysis of reflections by students and staff following a student-staff partnership which conducted a qualitative exploratory inquiry case study on student mental health in higher education. Following completion of the inquiry, two engaged students and the principal investigator reflected on their experience of the partnership. The analysis resulted in the following categories: a) benefits, b) support for learning, c) motivations, d) impact, e) outputs, and f) limitations. Students learned research skills, enhancements for learning/career and empowerment. Staff experienced an eased ability to conduct research and the rewards of seeing students develop new skills. It is recommended stakeholders in higher education continue to invest in student-staff partnerships in the context of research studies and mental health inquiry to foster opportunities for positive learning outcomes for students, staff, and institutions.



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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

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Helen Payne, PhD; is a Professor of Psychotherapy at the University of Hertfordshire, and teaches, researches and examines world-wide. She has over 100 publications, specialising in embodiment and student mental health in Higher Education.

James Cantwell, alumni, University of Hertfordshire

James Cantwell, BA (Hons); Dip. HE; is a graduate of linguistics and media cultures from the University of Hertfordshire School of Humanities, and an international journalism graduate from the Danish School of Journalism and HU University of Applied Sciences.

Richard Bristow, University of Hertfordshire

Richard Bristow, MSc Psychology, BA (Hons), is a graduate of Philosophy from the University of Sheffield, and a graduate of Psychology from the University of Hertfordshire School of Life and Medical Sciences, now working in the mental health field in higher education.


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Comment citer

Payne, H., Cantwell, J., & Bristow, R. (2023). A student-staff partnership conducting research in higher education: An analysis of student and staff reflections. International Journal for Students as Partners, 7(1), 96–109. https://doi.org/10.15173/ijsap.v7i1.5122



Research Articles