Working in partnership in Pakistan: Lessons from launching a pedagogical partnership program


  • Tayyaba Tamim Lahore University of Management Sciences
  • Launa Gauthier Lahore University of Management Sciences
  • Humayun Ansari Lahore University of Management Sciences
  • Fatima Ifikhar Lahore University of Management Sciences


Mots-clés :

pedagogical partnership, students as partners, Pakistan, program development, higher education


This case study presents an account of the implementation of the Pedagogical Partnership Program (PPP) at a leading university in Pakistan. The PPP was unique in two main ways: (a) it was the first of its kind in any higher education institution in Pakistan and (b) it was launched during COVID-19. The launch of the program during COVID offers insights into how partnerships can be a unique support system for students and faculty in difficult times. We share several lessons learned from our experiences leading the PPP and from the feedback we received on end-of-partnership reports. These lessons have been critical to how we continued to think about the evolution of the program and its impact on students and faculty/staff at Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). Through our analysis, we aim to add a new contextual perspective on partnerships in South Asia as a developing area of the world for partnership initiatives.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Launa Gauthier, Lahore University of Management Sciences

PhD – Senior Advisor Strategic Projects (VC & Provosts Offices) & Assistant Professor (School of Education), Lahore University of Management Sciences

Humayun Ansari, Lahore University of Management Sciences

Learning and Development Manager, The Cedar School. Earlier,  Student Partner (LUMS Learning Institute) &  Graduate student at Syed Ahsan Ali & Syed Maratib Ali School of Education, Lahore University of Managment Sciences.

Fatima Ifikhar, Lahore University of Management Sciences

Co-lead Partnerships & Educational Developer (Learning Institute), Lahore University of Management Sciences



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Comment citer

Tamim, T., Gauthier, L., Ansari, H., & Ifikhar, F. (2023). Working in partnership in Pakistan: Lessons from launching a pedagogical partnership program. International Journal for Students as Partners, 7(1), 172–182.



Case Studies