Leading a faculty-wide peer-support programme for widening participation students

Learning from the personal and professional development of an undergraduate intern




Mots-clés :

co-creation, partnership, peer support, students as partners, widening participation


Whilst existing research has explored the impact of a peer support role on the holistic development of mentees and mentors, very little is known about the experiences of those students who work in partnership alongside academic and service colleagues in co-creating, implementing, and delivering these programs. In this exploratory case study, the unique aspect was to use the P.O.W.E.R Reflective Framework for Students-as-Partners Practices and Processes to contextualise an undergraduate intern’s experiences of leading a project and the consequent impact it has had upon their personal and professional development. Key findings and reflections from the intern’s interview provide a deeper understanding of the peer mentor experience, highlighting aspects that are often overlooked or not readily apparent. The value of these activities for interns and how best to support their needs, motivations, and expectations are shared, as are implications for academic and service colleagues involved in promoting collaborative learning and mentoring. 


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Jaden Allan, Northumbria University

Jaden Allan is an Assistant Professor in Nursing with experience in transnational education and development, peer support development and delivery, with membership and affiliation to national and international peer groups.

Stephany Veuger, Northumbria University

Dr Veuger is an associate Professor (Education) with expertise in the development of pedagogical approaches for inclusive education and support of student wellbeing. She is Head of EDI for Applied Sciences and leads the Northumbia University learning circle on Students as Partners. Dr Veuger has an established reputation for informing education practice having led multiple student engagement and partnership projects at institutional and national level,  


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Comment citer

Hayman, R., Mendes, R., Allan, J., & Veuger, S. (2024). Leading a faculty-wide peer-support programme for widening participation students: Learning from the personal and professional development of an undergraduate intern. International Journal for Students as Partners, 8(2), 117–127. https://doi.org/10.15173/ijsap.v8i2.5763



Case Studies