We are looking for submissions of pieces for our 2026 issue and also cover artwork!
Read more about CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS AND COVER ARTWORK FOR 2026 ISSUE!Established in December 2020, the Canadian Journal of Autism Equity is an open-access e-journal focused on critically engaging with a variety of equity discussions within the autism community and public policy. Seeking authorship primarily by first-voice Autistic people or people with lived experience with autism and intersectionality, the Journal seeks to offer a platform to amplify marginalized voices and share these perspectives with decision-makers and Canadians alike.
CJAE is currently published once each year, in April following World Autism Acceptance Day.
We are looking for submissions of pieces for our 2026 issue and also cover artwork!
Read More Read more about CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS AND COVER ARTWORK FOR 2026 ISSUE!This fourth edition of the Canadian Journal of Autism Equity (CJAE) features works primarily about the challenges faced by Autistics related to housing.
As Equity-minded members of the Constitutional Democracy of Canada among a Commonwealth of Free Nations, symbolized by honorary monarch, geographically co-situated with the Indigenous Peoples of Northern Turtle Island; we gratefully acknowledge and respect the ancestral relationship between Indigenous Peoples (including over 634 First Nations, Inuit First Peoples, and Aboriginal Métis Peoples) and their Traditional Lands, their Truth of self-narrative, and their Cultural Properties.
Follow us @TheCJAE on Twitter and Facebook!
The Canadian Journal of Autism Equity is published by McMaster University Library Press and is supported by the Autism Alliance of Canada.
Est. 2020