Special section editorial: Students as partners in Third Spaces


  • Sara Hawley UCL Institute of Education
  • Julian McDougall Bournemouth University http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2147-2202
  • John Potter UCL Institute of Education
  • Phil Wilkinson Bournemouth University








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Author Biography

Julian McDougall, Bournemouth University

Professor of Media and Education 

Head of the Centre for Excellence in Media Practice 

Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy 

Editor: Media Practice and Education 


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How to Cite

Hawley, S., McDougall, J., Potter, J., & Wilkinson, P. (2019). Special section editorial: Students as partners in Third Spaces. International Journal for Students as Partners, 3(1), 1–4. https://doi.org/10.15173/ijsap.v3i1.3980



Special Section: Third Space and Partnership