The Importance of a Whole-of-Department Framework in Learning Partnerships


  • Lynne Yvonne Anne Hunt University of Southern Queensland
  • Lyall John Hunt


Mots-clés :

community-engaged, research-led curriculum, empowerment, social science, partnership values


This historical case study of the Yilgarn Project explores a community-engaged, whole-of-department framework that involved students as partners in research and publications. It shows how existing flexible curriculum and assessment processes enabled student engagement with research. The purpose of this case study is to share practice and to explore partnership styles. It locates partnership approaches in the intellectual traditions from which they have emerged and explores the relative importance of the process of partnership as well as the product, which is described in terms of the skills that students learned. The Yilgarn Project is analysed in the context of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) Framework (2014) with special reference to the core values that inform partnerships. This gives rise to discussion of the nature of partnership and the relative importance of using empowering processes to enhance student learning outcomes.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Lynne Yvonne Anne Hunt, University of Southern Queensland

Lynne Hunt PhD., Dip Ed., FHERDSA won the 2002 Australian Award for Social Science Teaching, the Prime Minister’s Award for Australian University Teacher of the Year, and an Australian Executive Endeavour Award (2009). She co-edited University Teaching in Focus (2012) and The Realities of Change in Higher Education (2006).

Lyall John Hunt

Lyall Hunt, M.A., Dip. Ed., is a Fellow, Royal Western Australian Historical Society and founding member of the WA Oral History Association. He edited Westralian Portraits; Yilgarn: Good Country for Hardy People; Towards Federation; and Early Days. He also contributed to historical encyclopaedias and dictionaries.


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Comment citer

Hunt, L. Y. A., & Hunt, L. J. (2017). The Importance of a Whole-of-Department Framework in Learning Partnerships. International Journal for Students as Partners, 1(2), 92–99.



Case Studies