‘Locations of Possibility’: Critical perspectives on partnership


  • Rhiannon M. Cates Portland State University
  • Mariah R. Madigan Portland State University
  • Vicki L. Reitenauer Portland State University



Mots-clés :

critical pedagogy, feminist pedagogy, reflective practice, students as partners, student partnership


This article offers critical perspectives on collaborative partnerships and feminist teaching that revise paradigms of power, prioritize student agency, enrich curriculum and scholarship, and sustain empowered communities of learning that challenge institutional compartmentalization. The authors reflect on how co-created curriculum can catalyze new professional partnerships that in turn contribute to refreshed learning experiences and communities. This article presents evidence of how a partnership orientation effectively encompasses an ethic and practice of feminist teaching, posits a framework of feminist pedagogy and praxis into the discourse of partnership, and exemplifies possibilities of these practices as important steps towards a (re)vision of liberatory learning.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Rhiannon M. Cates, Portland State University

Rhiannon M. Cates works as a library technician in Special Collections and University Archives at Portland State University. She has a bachelor’s degree in women’s studies and sexuality, gender, and queer studies from PSU, and is especially interested in queer historiography, popular culture, and archival possibilities of teaching and activist-scholarship.

Contact info:

Rhiannon Cates

Portland State University

Library: Special Collections & University Archives

PO Box 751

Portland, OR, United States  97211



Mariah R. Madigan, Portland State University

Mariah R. Madigan is a senior at Portland State University graduating in June, 2018 with a bachelor’s in social science. As a student at Portland State, she has served as a peer mentor in the University Studies program. Mariah hopes to pursue a career in education.

Vicki L. Reitenauer, Portland State University

Vicki L. Reitenauer serves on the faculty of the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies department and the University Studies program at Portland State University, where she employs community-based, feminist, and participatory pedagogies and reflective practice for integrative, transformative learning; facilitates relational faculty support processes; and co-creates faculty-led assessment practices.

Contact info:

Vicki Reitenauer

Portland State University

Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

PO Box 751

Portland, OR, United States  97211




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Comment citer

Cates, R. M., Madigan, M. R., & Reitenauer, V. L. (2018). ‘Locations of Possibility’: Critical perspectives on partnership. International Journal for Students as Partners, 2(1), 33–46. https://doi.org/10.15173/ijsap.v2i1.3341



Research Articles